Paris movie set
Is it a real street or a movie set ? I imagine everything behind the camera. A huge team of very competent persons waiting for the word : Action ! And all this in real rain. They planned fake rain, but everything had to be changed at the last moment since it was really pouring. The actors are waiting under a tent, last touch of preparation by the stylist. The director is so worried that he wanders around, drenched because he has no umbrella. The sound team had to wrap the microphones with special protection and they already know a lot of post-production will be necessary to correct this. Everybody is hungry. The catering has not been organized for a rainy set, so it will be a problem. The actress is getting cold and starts coughing. But the location is unique, far better than a studio set. It is not really in Paris, just in a near suburb, but that will do for this period film. Well it is a good thing I was imagining all this agitation, because walking through this street alone at night was a bit scary and I had yet another twenty minutes before getting to the metro station. I'll remember this street for a scene in my next shooting…