Paris staircase again
This is the third time I show the way to the entrails of Paris. I am not obsessed by going underground. But this one is really deep. We are Porte des Lilas and I don't recommend running down those stairs. It's a question of rhythm. You miss a beat and off you roll…maybe not in one piece once you reach the bottom. There are not many stations that deep in this city. Not like Washington DC or London. The interesting thing here is that there is no "wide angle" distorsion. I used a standard 50mm lens, which gives a better idea of the depth. Where are we going when we take this way ? At the beginning, it is quite frightening and gives all sorts of odd feelings. But in the end you are in a very standard Paris subway station. It could be anyone of the 302 stops of the city métropolitain network. We are in the standardized city belly, dating from the early 20th Century. White bezeled tiles all over. And I like it. It has become so familiar that in fact the fear is reversed. What are we going to find above ? An unknown Quartier ? A broken down familiar area that is changing so fast it has become a foreign place ? Or my usual streets that I don't even see anymore, blinded by habit ? This is the kind of apprehension I have when I step out of a métro station in Paris.