Wandering in confinement 29
This is what happens when you do not want to split the frame exactly in the middle on a landscape picture. Does it become a sky picture instead of a land picture ? This is the countryside in Northern England as I was driving back from Scotland. So here, the sky seems more important than the landscape. But if you look at the old paintings, it is often the same. There are details on the ground, but the clouds take over. If you look a little more carefully, you discover the shadows of the clouds on the fields and this probably what was most important for me. The perspective of the fields and the scattered green spots also give a kind of mirror effect of the overall sky. There is a predominance of horizontal lines on the ground and in the sky. A kind of correspondance between their and the ground that seems a miracle of nature. I used the longer focal length of my zoom which does not compress the perspective but avoids the wide angle effect that would have reduced the details of this rich countryside too much.