Wanderings in confinement 1
My photographic diary was interrupted for some time and I have an urge to come back to it. Today, confined like most of us, I will start a random journey in the past. Whatever comes to my mind will induce an image picked up from my archives irrespective of any logical reason. For instance, today, I was thinking of Scotland. So I extracted a photograph of Edinborough, taken years ago. In this Northern part of Europe, the light dictates you to press the trigger. The urban landscape here gives me a feeling of comfort. I could live in this city. I tend to imagine the interior of each house. I want to know how it is behind each window. I have an idealized vision of a cosy room, but I would probably be disappointed, I would want to change everything. At least, while I try to intrude in this life, I forget that I am stuck where I live.