Le Havre and the cruising ship
They are not here at this time of the year, but I wanted to move forward in time. These huge ships start arriving in the spring. As much as I do not imagine myself in one of those floating entertainment centers, I like to see them leaving the harbor. Around 8 pm, you can hear three hoots. The ships are going. They are sumptuous. It is a known fact that they are an enormous source of pollution. Imagine about five thousand passengers on board… and the crew. As big as they are, they have to be very crowded. I know, there are many different restaurants, all sorts dance halls, night clubs, sports installations. But sorry, it is not for me. In the morning, I can see the many tourists out of the ships, walking around the streets. Chinese, Germans, Dutch, English people. They look a little lost, and they don’t seem to know what to do in town. But the vision of the giant boats at dusk, leaving their mooring, is glorious.