Le Havre North
Here we are. A typical modern style photography. I have seen so many of them in galleries and museums that I have probably become sensitive to this kind of style. The interesting thing, here, is that I did take it by instinct, thinking right afterwards that I had seen such scenes many times before in prints or books. I have to admit that I have been influenced and I find it weird since I usually don't appreciate this style of photography. This kind of urban landscape is of course so common that it generated the reflexion of artists all over the world. But to me, it remains boring. The buildings are just the result of pure practical and cost thinking. They are therefore cheaply built, plain looking, and situated far away from the town center. They cumulate the worst of our modern society. As a photographic work, they are also the result of a twisted thinking : choose the most unfavorable time of the day, pick up the worst possible subject, make sure the composition is plain, and you translate the drab side of the life in our urban clusters. The conditions were there, and I added yet another pessimistic view of our planet.