Le Havre main station
If you arrive in le Havre from Paris by train on a rainy evening day, this is what you will see. Then you can take the tram to "la plage" - the beach. You will be there in about seven minutes. Opposite the station, you can see the Hotel Parisien. I don't know how old is this place, but it reminds me of my first stay in le Havre, in the late 1950s. I was a kid then. My parents had decided to show us the Pont de Tancarville that had just been built and then explore le Havre. They took a hotel right in this area, not far from the train station, although we had come by car. I don't know if at the time there was many hotels, but it was pretty desolate. The town had just been rebuilt and there was still not many trees, and it was very windy. But I keep good memories of this trip. It was one of the first car travels that we did.