Paris statue
I never thought this would fit in my blog. There are many statues in the streets of Paris. Why this one ? May be just for the stairs behind. After all, didn't I already put some stairs on this collection of random pictures ? In fact twice. But there are a few disturbing things here. I particularly like the board on the right. You would think it would be an explanation about the statue and why it is here. No ! It says : For One Person Relieved, How many Disgusted ? written over an explicit illustration. And then the second part of the sign : Urinate in the street is forbidden and … I cannot read the word because, as if this kind of incivility was not enough there is a tag covering the inscription, yet another breach of civility. Why is this wonderful sign sitting next to the statue of Vulpian, a famous doctor and scientist who discovered the adrenalin ? It would have been more appropriate if he had made discoveries about kidneys or the urinary system. But, there is another interesting thing on this scene, it is the green bush behind the statue. Maybe this is too tempting for people who want to relieve themselves. And that would be a logic explanation for this beautiful sign.