New York shade
More compression here, but a kind of vertical compression. It seems that the people are going to be crushed by a huge machine. Or maybe they are going to be swallowed by some kind of exotic animal whose mouth lures at street level. A monstrous snake ? Nobody seems to be frightened, no hurry there. Life goes on as usual. Ah, I know why the population is so quiet. There is a police patrol car right there. The bystanders feel protected. As for me, it is too late. I have already been swallowed. I am far back in the mouth and soon will be gulped in the digestive system of the beast. Actually, it couldn't be more appropriate. I am protecting myself in the shade of Grand Central Station, the huge building is ready to swallow the soon arriving commuters crowd. Aren't train stations in the middle of big cities like strange animals digesting every day millions of human beings around five PM ? And they trow them up the next morning, fresh and ready to go to work…